Since yesterday lagi Abg Sham dah pesan kat kite org bertiga to dress-up lawa2 for the PC... So arini three of us pun pakai la ala2 keparat... Tak sangka plak tiga2 pakai black... Three of us ditugaskan utk jage registration counter..
Before the PC ada smthing happen.. It about the press realese... Pening siot, i thought its my fault since i yg translate the press realese... Agak huru hara la jugak... But i take it as a learning process... People make mistake and they learnt from it...
Time kiteorg dok bergamba ni... PC dah start kat dalam studio... But kiteorg dok tergedik bergamba kat luar... All the Boss (Kak Ash, Kak Lin n Abg Sham), sporting gile nk bergambar dgn kiteorg budak intern...
awat la gambar mu itu, dua2 sama je posingnya...
hurm, salah press release??? details plzz... huhuhu
huhuhu......keje x leh tensyen2 kan... pompan klu dapat bergamba ilang tensyen...
ak_0143..da lame x dgr cite...
jap jap..pC ni ape Mar...i jarang on suria...masuk kete je bukak radio...huhu...kalo tak layan mP3 je...
neway sgt best eyh your intern sana?
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